Local Pension Board
The role of the board is to assist the Tower Hamlets Pension Fund comply with all the legislative requirements to ensure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and managed.
The role of the board is to assist the Tower Hamlets Pension Fund comply with all the legislative requirements to ensure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and managed.
As a result of changes to governance arrangements to pension schemes in the public sector, the Tower Hamlets Council as an administering authority for the LGPS is required to have in place a local pension board.
The role of the board is to ensure the Tower Hamlets pension fund complies with all the legislative requirements and to make sure the scheme is being effectively and efficiently governed and administered.
The board members work with the Council in its role as an administering authority and the pension fund's officers to ensure that your pension scheme is being run properly and that you as a member get the best service.
To comply with requirements imposed by regulations which are enforced by the Pensions Regulator, the members of the local pension board are required to have the relevant experience and be available to attend meetings. In order to do this they must undertake training to maintain their knowledge and understanding of the LGPS and pensions in general.
The board must have an equal number of employer representatives and scheme member representatives. The Tower Hamlets Pension fund has three of each.
We have also appointed an independent expert to oversee the board's matters.
Scheme member and employer representatives are appointed to the board for a term of 4 years, the term of office for the independent member is determined by the Council.
Board members can seek reappointment at the end of their term, but if you were interested in being considered as a scheme member representative next time round please contact us.
To be involved in the running of the Tower Hamlets pension fund, Employer and Employee Representatives must be able to demonstrate the following criteria, characteristics and skills.
It should be noted that the role will involve reviewing the financial aspects of pension fund management and representative must be able to bring an appropriate level of knowledge with them.
Further details on the Pension Board, including agenda and meeting information can be found here.